General terms and conditions
Article I : Scope
The « MASTERIO » Escape Games are edited by NO GRAAL SAS, a simplified joint stock company governed by French law, with capital of 30000€, registred at the Paris trade registrar under number 878 731 496.
These general conditions govern the contractual relationship between :
- NO GRAAL, creator and organising company of the MASTERIO Escape Games,
- Any natural or legal person wishing to benefit from the offered products, on their own behalf or on behalf of any third party, hereinafter « the Customer »,
- Any natural or legal person taking part to the benefits organised by NO GRAAL, hereinafter « the Participant ».
The services offered by NO GRAAL, which are the object of these conditions, may hereinafter be referred to indifferently as « the Service », « the Game », or designated by their respective commercial names.
The reservation, the participation or the acceptance of a quote concerning the services proposed by NO GRAAL imply an acceptance without reserve of the present conditions. These conditions will prevail over any other general or particular conditions not explicitly approved by NO GRAAL.
NO GRAAL reserves the right to modify its terms and conditions at any time. In this case, the applicable conditions will be the ones in force at the date of the order, the reservation or the signature of the quote.
Article II : Escape Games
Article II-I : Description of the Service
The Masterio Escape Games are indoor puzzle games.
By selling the proposed Service, NO GRAAL grants the Customer the occupation of a defined and limited space of one or more rooms (hereinafter referred to as « the Room » or « the Game Room ») for the sole purpose of participating in a game organised by NO GRAAL during a determined period of time (hereinafter referred to as « the Session »).
The Service also includes the support of the Customer during all the time of his presence in the premises of Masterio, by one of the employees of NO GRAAL, hereinafter referred to as « the Game Master ».
The Participants agree that the duration of their stay in the Room shall be no longer than the duration previously set, specific to each scenario and indicated on its page on the website, whether or not they have reached the end of the scenario and solved all the puzzles. This point is part of the very principle of the Escape Game concept. The Participants also accept that the Game may stop before the end of the maximum duration, once they have reached the end of the scenario, without this being subject to any adjustment or compensation.
Article II-II : Conditions of participation
The Masterio Escape Games are open to all Participants aged 12 years or older. In the case of minors under the age of 15, the presence of two adults in the group of Participants is required. In case of doubt about the age of a Participant, NO GRAAL reserves the right to ask for proof of identity.
While on the premises of NO GRAAL, Participants agree to behave in a respectable manner, to comply with the rules and to cooperate with NO GRAAL’s staff. As such, NO GRAAL does not tolerate any form of violence, whether verbal or physical, in the form of harassment or intimidation towards its employees, and thus reserves the right to refuse access to the Game Room to any person whose behavior would resemble the elements listed above. NO GRAAL also reserves the right to deny access to any person under the influence of alcohol or drugs, for the safety of that person and his/her entourage. For all of the above conditions, no compensation or refund will be given for denial of access.
It is strictly forbidden for Participants to enter the premises with food, drinks or animals.
It is imperative to respect the schedule set for the Event. However, in the event that the delay to the booked session amounts to 15 minutes or less, it is up to the Participants to decide whether they still wish to start the Game. In any case, the Room must be vacated at the time specified in the reservation.
In case of delay of more than 15 minutes after the initial reservation time, NO GRAAL reserves the right to refuse access to the Participant(s). The schedules are systematically reminded in the confirmation and information emails sent by NO GRAAL and it is the responsibility of the Participants to respect them.
Article II-III : Booking and payment
Reservations for a Masterio Escape Game can only be made through the ticketing system available on the website
To pay for the reservation, the Customer can use any payment method listed on the website Any order implies acceptance of the prices and the description of the products and services available for sale. NO GRAAL reserves the right to modify its prices at any time. The service is nevertheless invoiced on the basis of the rate in force at the time of the reservation.
All the data provided and the recorded confirmation will be considered as proof of the transaction. Once the payment has been registered, the Customer will receive notification via e-mail confirming the express commitment of the parties.
The Customer will also receive an email containing useful information concerning the reserved Service. It is the Customer’s and the Participant’s responsibility to ensure that the information contained in this message corresponds to their order. Any claim must be made within 24 hours of receipt. No claim will be accepted after the Event. It is also the Customer’s responsibility to make sure that he/she has received the email and to inform NO GRAAL if he/she has not.
In case of fraudulent use of his means of payment, the Customer is invited, as soon as he/she notices this use, to contact NO GRAAL at
In accordance with article 221-28 of the French Consumer Code, the right of withdrawal cannot be exercised for contracts for the provision of accommodation services, other than residential accommodation, goods transportation services, car rentals, catering or leisure activities that must be provided on a specific date or period. Accordingly, no reservation may be cancelled or refunded in the event of a cancellation by the Customer alone.
However, subject to acceptance by NO GRAAL and notification within a reasonable period of time at NO GRAAL’s discretion, consideration may be given to rescheduling the Event to a later date or exchanging it for a Gift Code of equivalent value.
The reservation of a Game Session is made for a defined number of Participants. If fewer Participants show up to participate in the Game Session than originally planned at the time of booking, the Customer is not entitled to a refund of the price difference. If more Participants show up to participate in the Game Session than originally booked, the price difference must be paid before participating in the escape game.
Article II-IV : Safety and Equipment
The Participants agree to respect all security measures given to them, whether they are contractual, posted on the website or communicated orally by NO GRAAL staff.
NO GRAAL will not be held responsible if, during the course of the game, the Participant does not respect the laws and regulations established.
Participants are required to maintain the Room and all of its equipment (non-restrictive list: decorations, furnishings, objects, etc.) in good condition and to use them in accordance with the authorized use. Therefore, the Customer acknowledges in the Contract that any intentional damage or damage caused by unauthorized handling of the Room and its equipment will be billed.
NO GRAAL reserves the right to interrupt any game if one or more players behave in a manner that is deemed dangerous to the safety of other players or to the integrity of the decor or facilities.
Furthermore, Participants are required to use the Room and its equipment in a manner that does not cause or risk causing any damage to other Participants.
Article II-V : Images and Privacy
Due to the nature of the escape game, no recording can be made in the Room. Thus, the use of video and/or audio recording devices (this includes, but is not limited to: cell phones, cameras, Google Glass, Go Pro) is strictly forbidden. Any use of such devices may result in the complete termination of the game and the exclusion of all Participants without any compensation.
NO GRAAL expects the Participants not to disclose the details of the game directly and/or indirectly. Any disclosure in whole or in part would violate the commercial interests of NO GRAAL SAS.
Each Escape Game Room is equipped with a video surveillance and listening device that allows NO GRAAL’s staff to accompany Participants during their Game Session. For security reasons, this device may generate recordings, the duration of which is left to the discretion of NO GRAAL. These recordings will not be broadcast by NO GRAAL without the consent of the Participants.
Article III : Gift Vouchers
The purchase of a Gift Voucher can only be done through the ticketing system accessible on the website
To pay for the reservation, the Customer can use any payment method listed on the website Any order implies acceptance of the prices and the description of the products and services available for sale. NO GRAAL reserves the right to modify its prices at any time. The Service is nevertheless invoiced on the basis of the rate in force at the time of the reservation.
All data provided and the recorded confirmation will be considered as proof of the transaction. Once the payment has been registered, the Customer receives notification via e-mail confirming the express commitment of the parties.
The Customer will also receive the Gift Voucher by email with useful information about the Service and the functioning of the Gift Voucher. It is the Customer’s responsibility to ensure that the information contained in this message corresponds to his purchase. Any claim must be made within 24 hours of receipt. It is also the responsibility of the customer to ensure that the email is received and to notify NO GRAAL if it is not.
In case of fraudulent use of the payment means, the Customer is invited to contact NO GRAAL at
Lost, stolen or falsified Gift Vouchers cannot be exchanged or refunded. The Customer or the Participant who receives a Gift Voucher will be considered as the only person responsible for any use he/she makes of the Gift Voucher. The Customer has the duty to inform the Beneficiary Participant about the functioning of the Gift Vouchers.
In accordance with the provisions of article L.121-21 of the French Consumer Code, in the case of distance selling, the Customer has a 14-day withdrawal period from the date of receipt of the Gift Voucher by the Customer, or failing this, by the Participant beneficiary, without having to justify his or her decision or pay any penalties, with the exception of the delivery and return costs. The Customer, or failing that, the Participant beneficiary informs NO GRAAL of his decision to withdraw by sending him, before the expiry of the period provided for in Article L. 121-21, any unambiguous statement expressing his desire to withdraw. The refund will take place within 7 days as from the reception of the request of retractation.
Article IV : Intellectual Property
In accordance with the laws governing literary and artistic property rights, the reproduction, representation, publication, transmission or use of all or part of the elements that make up the Services without the explicit agreement of NO GRAAL is strictly forbidden, under penalty of legal action.
In particular, the copyright and all other rights relating to the material and immaterial supports, both for the form and the content, made available to the Participants during a Service remain the property of NO GRAAL. The Customer agrees to use these elements in a strictly private context.
The Customer cannot declare himself the owner of a work ordered for the sole reason that it was created at his request and that he/she paid the corresponding invoice. The Customer cannot exploit the work in any way or on any medium, even under the guise of free use, except in the context of a prior agreement with NO GRAAL.
Article V : Responsibility
NO GRAAL declines all responsibility for physical, immaterial or material damages suffered by one or more Customers during a Service, or caused by another Customer or several Customers towards a third party.
NO GRAAL can in no way be held responsible for the theft or loss of personal items during one of its Services.
The individual responsibility of each Participant, and it alone, is therefore engaged. Each Participant declares that he/she is personally insured against personal injury. Otherwise, NO GRAAL cannot be held responsible for the absence of this personal insurance.
Any interruption of a current Event, by the will of the Customer and for any reason whatsoever, will not give rise to any refund.
NO GRAAL expects fair play from the Participants. Any attempt at cheating, fraud or any act of physical violence will result in the exclusion of its author, without the possibility of reimbursement.
NO GRAAL is not responsible for third-party services offered by partner companies.
Article VI : Image Rights
The Participants to the Services, or any other related event, organized by NO GRAAL implicitly agree to give up their image rights related to any photographic, video or other media, and authorize the full ownership and commercial use on all media, on behalf of NO GRAAL. These visual elements can be used by NO GRAAL to feed its website or its digital ecosystem (indicative list not exhaustive: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram …)
In particular, photos of each team of Participants may be taken before or after the Game Session. These photos will be sent by e-mail to the Customer within a reasonable time after the game session. NO GRAAL will not be responsible for the use of the photos by the Customer.
In the event that the Participant does not wish to give up his or her right to the image, he/she must explicitly request this before the start of any Event, either by email to or in writing to the Host on the day of the Event.
Article VII : Force Majeure
All circumstances beyond the control of the parties preventing the performance of their obligations under normal conditions shall be considered as causes for exoneration of the obligations of the parties and shall result in their suspension.
Will be considered as force majeure all facts or circumstances irresistible, external to the parties, unforeseeable, unavoidable, independent of the will of the parties and which could not be prevented by the latter, despite all reasonably possible efforts. Expressly, are considered as force majeure or fortuitous events, in addition to those usually retained by the jurisprudence of the French courts and tribunals: the blocking of means of transport or supplies, earthquakes, fires, storms, floods, lightning, the stoppage of telecommunication networks or difficulties specific to telecommunication networks external to the Customers.
The party invoking the above circumstances must immediately notify the other party of their occurrence, as well as of their disappearance. Both parties will use their best efforts to prevent or reduce the effects of a non-performance of the agreement caused by this event. The other party reserves the right to verify and check the reality of the facts.
Article VIII : Personal Data
The Customer is responsible for the accuracy of the information communicated to NO GRAAL in the context of the establishment of the commercial relationship and the realization of a Service, in particular those entered on the online reservation form on the website.
NO GRAAL undertakes to respect the confidentiality of personal data communicated by Customers and Participants and to process them in compliance with the French Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978 and Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (hereinafter « RGPD »).
NO GRAAL processes the personal data of each Participant for the purpose of managing and tracking orders as well as for the execution of the Services. In this respect, NO GRAAL may transmit personal data to its partners in the context of order management. This data may also be transmitted when there is a legal obligation, or when the Customer expressly agrees.
In accordance with the law n°78-17 of January 6, 1978, relating to data processing, files and freedoms, as amended, and the RGPD, Customers and Participants have the right to withdraw their consent at any time, the right to portability of their data, as well as the right to access, rectify, delete, limit, oppose and the right to define directives relating to the fate of their data in the event of death. To this end, the Customer or Participant must send a written request to the following address:
Article IX : Disputes and Jurisdiction
The parties agree that these terms and conditions and any contract entered into incorporating these terms and conditions are subject to French law. In the event of a dispute, the parties shall endeavor to settle it amicably. Any dispute that cannot be settled amicably will be submitted to the courts of jurisdiction designated in accordance with the French Code of Civil Procedure.
In accordance with articles L.616-1 and R.616-1 of the French Consumer Code, NO GRAAL has set up a consumer mediation system with CNPM – Médiation Consommation. In case of dispute, the consumer can file a complaint on the website or by mail by writing to CNPM – Médiation Consommation – 27, avenue de la Libération – 42400 Saint Chamond, France.
In accordance with European legislation, NO GRAAL is registered with the « Online Dispute Resolution » set up by the European Commission. In case of dispute, the consumer can file a claim on the website
These General Conditions have been updated on June 5, 2022.